Friday, May 22, 2015

My Personal Journey...

When I look at this picture, I don't even recognize the girl on the left anymore. But that was me, for most of my teens and early twenties. 

I used to hate taking pictures. I would feel awkward, hide in the back of a group photo, or hold something in front of me like a jacket or purse. I had to dig through photo albums in my old room at my parent's house for this 'before' photo of me because I would throw away most pictures of myself. 

I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I tried diets. A lot of fad diets, even diet pills. I had no understanding of foods or nutrients, but instead was always looking for that quick-fix. 

There is no such thing as a quick-fix. It took years for me to put on all that weight, and it was not going to shed overnight. My body had to heal. And over time, it did. 

In college, I enrolled in Nutrition Science courses and was instantly hooked. I began seeing food differently, recognized my poor habits, and had the most amazing teacher. She was also a Fitness Instructor and owned a small fitness company with her husband. They ran early morning bootcamps in the Salem Commons, and they let me join their 5:15am bootcamp for free. She kind of changed the course of my life. 

Two years ago, I decided to further my nutrition education and enrolled in The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Another life changing moment. At IIN, I studied all the major dietary theories, holistic nutrition, preventative health, practical lifestyle management and coaching methods. 

I know first-hand what it takes to change your relationship with food. I'm passionate about empowering you to transform your body and your health. 

I will help you thrive in good health. 

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